You are currently browsing the monthly Archive for April, 2013.
Though both competitions have similar goals, teams across the country have made their preference in either UCA or NCA.
Depending on which cheerleader you ask, one will be stated as better than the other. On a surface level it’s easy to see that UCA can be the more traditional side of cheerleading mainly focusing on stunts and cheers and NCA can be more of the all-star side of cheerleading with more focus on dancing and high energy pyramids.
What’s more important, leading the crowd in a cheer or making stunts more challenging or entertaining for the cheerleader?
Every cheerleader will give you a different answer to that question, but this concept is what makes the difference in UCA and NCA.
So when it comes to the annual Nationals competitions hosted by each organization it’s definitely interesting to see what teams will come up with.
This weekend starts the Nationals Championship competition for NCA.
College cheerleaders from all over the country are traveling to Daytona, Florida for a weekend of competing, bonding and hopefully achieving a national championship title.
This is a chance for these college teams to come together and show everyone what they’ve been working towards all season. Some teams come just to have fun and others come striving to win for place.
Though there is some healthy competition, the main purpose of NCA Nationals is to bring together cheerleaders from everywhere and learn from what other teams have put together.
Since the sport of cheerleading is always growing and changing, competitions are where everyone gets to see just have creative and innovative their competitors can be.
Without competition cheerleading wouldn’t be where it is today!
This movie follows the lives of two teenage boys who use basketball as an outlet and an opportunity to find success in life.
The movie its self shows how a sport can inspire someone to be greater than anything they’d ever expected. Throughout the movie, these two young men, Arthur Agee and William Gates, experience the ups and downs that come with chasing a dream.
The movie follows the two basketball dreams from the beginning of the high school careers up until their graduations. Along with the trails of making the team and performing in basketball the movie also takes the time to show the viewer their personal lives.
Along with the movie, there is also a book the follows the two young basketball players from their freshmen year to senior year. The book tells the story through moving back and forth between Arthur and William’s stories.
It is quickly discovered that their NBA dreams are more than hopes to excel in basketball, but mainly hopes to succeed and grow in life.
The culture of basketball is more than a game. It is a way of life.
These young men along with many others are inspired by the sport. The hopes of playing basketball keep them focused and out of trouble in an area where many men their age fall victim to drugs and other crimes.
The movie shows how sports can change your motivation in life and can ultimately give a player something to live for.
Though basketball and cheerleading are completely different sports, seeing the point of view of these two basketball dreams can inspire any athlete to work hard in all aspects of life.
Though cheerleading may seem like a sport that’s only common in the U.S.A., throughout the years cheerleading and competitive cheerleading has become more common around the world. With competitions such as the All-Star Worlds, teams throughout the world have had the ability to compete and learn new things from teams everywhere.
International teams have raised the bar of cheerleading and the possibility of stunts.
Though the sport of cheerleading has recently gained more popularity there has been competitive cheerleading for many years.
Though the main idea of competitive cheerleading is the same, the stunts and presentation of a cheer routine has changed significantly.
It’s interesting to see how the sport has grown in such as short period of time.